Tuesday 26 January 2010

When u pee, do a C!

Hi there!

I have been a bit busy lately, running around in the snow and exploring new places. I totally surprised my mama by marking my territory with the letter C, like Comete! Mama thought that only guys could write their name in the snow. Smart, huh?

Breizh got his Frisbee disks from Holland this week. He wanted dog discs to be able to hang around in the park in the summer and do some cool fetching. Mama has already taught him some basics. I will add some pictures as soon as he will be a pro at fetching (don't want to embarrass him when he's learning!).

I also want to introduce you to our newest furball, err, I mean family member: Pepe the wabbit (or Pepe le pupu when he wants to be theatrical!). He is really nice actually. His favourite activities are eating house plants, nibbling walls and going boink on the bed. I am not planning on eating him (yet!) because he has too much fur and I do not want that stuck in my throat! Breizh totally agrees with me. We'd rather chase wild rabbits, even if we never catch them as they are too fast for us, but it is great fun anyway. Soon Pepe will come out walking with us but at the moment it is too cold. I hope he doesn't hop on my back expecting a free ride!


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