Friday 11 December 2009

Being nosey

In my introduction the other day I mentioned that I am a bit nosey. This reminded me of the time when I got my nose stuck in the ground. Well it wasn't really stuck, I was just having fun digging and seeing if I could reach New Zealand as I heard that there's lots of sheep there that I could chase. I should mention that it was dark when I started my tunnel-digging project and my mama didn't really see what a mess I had gotten myself into until we got back home. When we reached home my mama had a funny look on her face. I think she was laughing probably because she thought that I had turned into a mole. But no, it was still me, the wonderful amazing Comete. Here's a picture of me doing my mole impression.

I also remember another time when I was being nosey. My mama is a bit forgetful at times (luckily for me!) and she sometimes leaves her food out so that I can have it - at least that's how I see it! There was this one time when she had whipped some white stuff that Breizh and I love so much and then left it out for us on the table. I naturally noticed this, being the nosey curious amazing thing that I am and of course started to eat it. I had just finished most of it when my bro Breizh came and asked if he could have some. Naturally, being a lovely lady I let him lick the bowl while I went and rested my now full belly on the sofa. This was perfect timing as my mama came back into the kitchen and found Breizh sitting there whistling along as if nothing had happened. Unfortunately, even though he had his best 'Move along please - nothing to see here' expression on his face, his nose let him down (as you can see from this picture). The moral of the story is, if you're gonna be nosey, don't get the evidence on your nose-y   :D

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