Tuesday 15 December 2009

Running is me thing!

Breizh and I love to run! We love it so much that mama and papa can't keep up with us. Sometimes maa & paa think that I'm running away from them as I sometimes disappear into da forest. But that would be a silly thing to do as where would I get my food from?!

Anyway, so that they can keep an eye on us, maa & paa take us running at the greyhound racing track where we run after the "wabbit". Now I've chased plenty of wabbits in my time and I know this isn't a real one, but it makes a funny whizzing noise that drives me crazy so I like to chase it anyway. Mama had a hard time finding us large enough muzzles for when we race, so that we can keep our mouths open and get enough fresh air. That is very important! Breizh got his muzzle from his mama Marie in France and mine is just a plain Finnish one. Somebody might wonder why we need to wear muzzles. That is because we love to kill the "wabbit" so much when we finally catch it and as we are so strong (don't tell Breizh that I said he's strong otherwise it will go straight to his head!) that we can break the whole thing! And that would be very expensive to replace it. Breizh's and my weekly allowance would not cover that and we would rather buy nom noms with the money anyway!

As we normally run in the hot summer and maa & paa refuse to shave our hot hairy coats off (I keep telling mama that I want a Mohawk), it is very important that we get some water with electrolytes in it (to give us back our energy) after running and then walk around a bit before going home.

Breizh is practising with the home made wabbit

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